Will I Quit My Job?

In my previous blog, I have shared indicators or signs that you should search for a new job. This time, I would share few questions from http://www.careerealism.com that can help you choose between “YES” or “NO.” Remember that it is better to be employed than unemployed. Quitting you job is risky. But it can also be rewarding if you are able to think through it well enough.

Without consultation, plans are frustrated,
But with many counselors they succeed.
Proverbs 15:22


1. Have I served for at least two years?
(a) Yes, and I’ve enjoyed most of it.
(b) No, I’m still pretty new to the job.
(c) Yes, but I’ve been there way longer than that.

2. Have my career interests or aspirations changed?
(a) Nope! I still love the work I do.
(b) Maybe a little. I’m not really sure anymore.
(c) Yes. I don’t know why I got into this kind of work in the first place.

3. Is there still room left for career advancement?
(a) Yes.
(b) Yes, but I’m not really interested in moving up.
(c) No. I’m going to be stuck at my current role until someone retires.

4. Am I mentally tired and bored with my current job?
(a) No, I find the work interesting, but I could use more of a challenge.
(b) Yes. I’m constantly zoning out and procrastinating.
(c) Bored? I wish! I’m straight up stressed out and exhausted all of the time.

5. Am I happy with other aspects in my life?
(a) Yes! I love my life outside of work.
(b) Eh, I could use a few more hobbies in my life.
(c) Other aspects in your life? People have those?

6. Is my company in trouble or are big changes coming?
(a) Nope, our company is doing very well, actually.
(b) I’m not really sure.
(c) Yes, and I’m afraid I’m going to lose my job.

7. Is my work under toxic leadership?
(a) No way – I love my boss!
(b) Sometimes it’s pretty bad, but I’ve learned to deal with it.
(c) Toxic? That’s a nice way of putting it.

8. Do I feel underappreciated?
(a) No – my boss praises my accomplishments on a regular basis.
(b) Eh, I could use a few more pats on the back, I guess.
(c) Yes – either my hard work goes unnoticed or someone else takes credit for it!

9. Am I underpaid for my role?
(a) No, I get a fair paycheck.
(b) The pay could be better.
(c) I definitely deserve a fatter paycheck for all of the extra work I put in.

10. Can I afford to quit?
(a) Yes, but I’m not sure I want to work at a new company.
(b) No. I’m already struggling to pay my bills each month.
(c) Probably, it might be tight for a little while, though.

11. Is there a better offer out there?
(a) Honestly, I haven’t really looked.
(b) Yes, but I’m not really sure if I’m willing to take the chance on a new job yet.
(c) Yes! Better work, better boss, and better pay!


Mostly As: You’re just ready for a promotion.
You love the work you do, but you find yourself getting bored. The work just isn’t challenging anymore. Perhaps it’s time to get a promotion!

Mostly Bs: You’re probably not ready to quit just yet.
You might not be in the position to quit just yet, however, you should definitely consider your options. You don’t seem happy at your current job. Maybe the work isn’t challenging anymore. Whatever it is, something isn’t right.

Mostly Cs: Get out of there, FAST!
The time has come for you to get out! Life is too short to work in such a toxic
environment. You’re stressed out all the time and it’s taking a toll on your life. It’s time to move on, especially if you have an offer in hand. However, don’t just quit during an emotional meltdown. Be smart and be prepared.

How To Quit A Job You Just Started


Quitting your job now without a job to transfer to comes with major risks. Employers will often assume you got fired or you are too high maintenance and lack patience. Before you really quit, make sure you’ve got a plan in place!

Published by markandmarnee

Hello, we are Mark and Marnee Argallon, wellness advocates living in Quezon City, Philippines. Mark worked in a non-profit organization as an accounting staff for more than 14 years. He is now a licensed financial advisor and a wellness advocate. He is passionate in coaching people to become better versions of themselves. Marnee is a registered nurse and is working in a government facility that screens newborn babies of genetic disorders. She is also passionate in helping people have healthier and natural options for their well being. If you're ready to take charge of your personal and family's health, we're ready to get you there! - Mark and Marnee Argallon

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