

The simple translation of pasalubong is souvenir. The root word is salubong that means to meet or to welcome. Pasalubong then means that it is something you give for the one welcoming. It could be a gift or souvenir given to a family, friend or relative by a person who has returned from a trip…

dōTERRA Gave Us PHP550,341.37

Yes, this is true! This is not an exaggeration or anything. Let me explain how and why. We signed up with dōTERRA Essential Oils to address our health concerns and because I was invited by my good friends Myke and Pevi to consider the business side of the company as a sideline. I signed up…

Three Ways doTERRA Has Changed My Life

I am still drafting my reason why I love being with doTERRA. For the time being, I would like to share how doTERRA changed the life of a millennial named Regan Plekenpol. So far she is the youngest doTERRA Diamond I know. She’s 24 and the average income of a Diamond is around US$16,733 per…

A Family Kit and A Hope

May 2019. Four months after getting married and two months after resigning from full time work, we attended a Natural Solutions Class where Dr. Willie Lagdameo, a pediatric surgeon, discussed the science of essential oils. Prior to this class, my wife have already bought a doTERRA Introductory Kit. But we know little about the power…

Circle of Safety

Do you belong in a Circle of Safety? Simon Sinek, in the third chapter of Leaders Eat Last, shares the importance of a strong team because of trust, selflessness and empathy by sharing the example of the Spartans and their phalanx system. Sinek said, “It is the company we keep, the people around us, who…

The Parable of a Broken Spare Part

It’s summer here in the Philippines. The only cooling system we have are two electric fans. Unfortunately, one of them is really making some annoying noises. I think there’s something wrong with the mechanism. It won’t make any noise if the fan is directed to the floor. Have it pointed 90° degrees, it makes noise.…

Exhibit A: An Unethical Example

I just blogged about the lack of ethical practices of direct sellers among essential oils. I had no proof of existence until today. I just can’t believe the audacity of this woman from the other essential oil company. She would dare offer their own products in our official Facebook page. I was very tempted to…

Don’t Be Unethical!

As a financial advisor, we are held to the highest level of professionalism. The Golden Rule we apply is to always do to others what we would want to do for ourselves. We must always work in the client or customer’s best interest and needs rather than higher commission. Easier said than done. My religious…

Mt. Pulag Chronicles: Humbled (Reblog)

This is the third installment of my Mt. Pulag adventure reblog. Part 3 Almost a year since me and my friends were able to climb the summit of Mt. Pulag. I said in my second blog regarding our adventure that I will share how God dealt and is continually dealing with my heart issues using…

Mt. Pulag Chronicles: The Climb (Reblog)

This is the second installment of my Mt. Pulag adventure reblog. Part 2 With all preparation done, I’m ready for Mt. Pulag. The checklist is reviewed and I’m ready to go. My team: Kuya Jay, Fourth, Teddy, Joel Madera, Leah, Cyril, Daniel, Leo, Ricky, Rosebel (Ricky’s friend) and Gina (friend from CCC). The ETD of…


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