dōTERRA Gave Us PHP550,341.37

Yes, this is true! This is not an exaggeration or anything. Let me explain how and why. We signed up with dōTERRA Essential Oils to address our health concerns and because I was invited by my good friends Myke and Pevi to consider the business side of the company as a sideline. I signed upContinue reading “dōTERRA Gave Us PHP550,341.37”

Three Ways doTERRA Has Changed My Life

I am still drafting my reason why I love being with doTERRA. For the time being, I would like to share how doTERRA changed the life of a millennial named Regan Plekenpol. So far she is the youngest doTERRA Diamond I know. She’s 24 and the average income of a Diamond is around US$16,733 perContinue reading “Three Ways doTERRA Has Changed My Life”

The Parable of a Broken Spare Part

It’s summer here in the Philippines. The only cooling system we have are two electric fans. Unfortunately, one of them is really making some annoying noises. I think there’s something wrong with the mechanism. It won’t make any noise if the fan is directed to the floor. Have it pointed 90° degrees, it makes noise.Continue reading “The Parable of a Broken Spare Part”

Will I Quit My Job?

In my previous blog, I have shared indicators or signs that you should search for a new job. This time, I would share few questions from http://www.careerealism.com that can help you choose between “YES” or “NO.” Remember that it is better to be employed than unemployed. Quitting you job is risky. But it can alsoContinue reading “Will I Quit My Job?”

Checklist Before You Quit Your Job

Are you in a dilemma or quandary whether you would stick to your job or quit it? Let me provide you some of the things that helped me in navigating this difficult decision. Below is an article that was originally posted in iMoney. I have added a few relevant statistics in light of the coronavirusContinue reading “Checklist Before You Quit Your Job”

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